The uPVC windows must meet specific object requirements depending on the intended application. Other expectations have investors building new homes, others, owners of houses and flats subject to modernization, and in particular thermo-modernization. In used buildings, equipped with natural ventilation systems, replacing old window frames with high value-added windows in line with the current requirements of national regulations can significantly improve the energy standard of the facility and the daily comfort of users. Team-Plast has in the offer special renovation window systems - Team Balance MD and Renowacja Team Basic.
Windows are one of the key elements of every building renovation, in particular every thermo-modernization. In old buildings, the main problem is the presence of high thermal bridges and uncontrolled air infiltration through window leaks. Replacement for new generation products results in significant improvements in comfort and savings associated with reduced heating costs. However, not every window, even energy-efficient is suitable for installation in modernized buildings. Team-Plast has products tailored to specific installation requirements in the old window niches.
The Softline renovation window systems 82 MD Renovation and 70 AD / MD Renovation provided by Team-Plast allow the installation of new window constructions without dismantling the old frames. This is a great solution that works well in all buildings with unstable, heavily overgrown and above all, historic buildings. On the one hand it avoids the risk of damage to the facade during assembly, and on the other, due to the original design solutions, the windows do not lose anything from their modernity, thermal insulation and tightness. Historical and aesthetic values are also preserved due to a special masking profile, the so-called "fin", which forms a banding covering from the inside of the jamb. From the outside, the uPVC-fit elements are used. Windows made in the renovation system retain their beauty and functionality and are easier and faster to install than standard windows.
Team-Plast has two types of profile systems designed specifically for renovation windows intended for modernized buildings: